Articles by Anders Lisdorf

About Anders Lisdorf

Anders Lisdorf is the author of Demystifying Smart Cities: Practical Perspectives on How Cities Can Leverage the Potential of New Technologies, he has been responsible for developing the Data Services of New York City and is currently a consultant and speaker on smart cities, cloud, data and AI.

The 7 Forces of Artificial Intelligence in Cities

AI has enormous potential to improve the lives of billions of people living in cities and facing a multitude of challenges. However, a blind focus on the technological issues is not sufficient. We are already starting to see a moderation of the technocentric view of algorithmic salvation in New York City, which is the first city in the world to appoint a chief algorithm officer.

There are 7 primary forces determining the success of AI, of which technology is just one. Cities must realize that AI is not the quick technological fix that vendors sell. Not everything will be improved by creating more algorithms and technical prowess. We need to develop a more holistic approach to implementing AI in cities in order to harness the immense potential. We need to create a way to consider each of the seven forces when cities plan for the use of AI.