Articles by Lisa Deanne Smith

About Lisa Deanne Smith

Lisa Deanne Smith is engaged in a cultural practice that moves between multiple mediums — art, curating, and writing — exploring issues of voice, experience and power. Recent curatorial projects at Onsite [at] OCAD University include No Dull Affairs: Karen Lofgren, Vanessa Maltese, Jillian McDonald; Ads for People: Selling Ethics in the Digital Age; and I Wonder: Marian Bantjes. She received an M.F.A. from Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Imagining and Realizing Our Future Cities

On a cold Sunday afternoon last winter my eleven year old daughter, Tyla, was sick and we visited the local walk-in clinic to see a doctor. Knowing there would be a lengthy wait time, I brought my digital device to research sustainable design (and, hopefully, not end...