About Johanna Jamison, Program Director, Colorado Smart Cities Alliance

Johanna Jamison brings passion and skill for connecting people and ideas across sectors and disciplines to create thriving places. Johanna has served in government, private, and nonprofit settings, and communities large and small. Her work leading programs, projects, and policies spans mobility and transportation, affordable housing, environmental quality, economic development, and placemaking and revitalization.

Johanna joined the Colorado Smart Cities Alliance as Program Director in 2020. She is responsible for helping elevate and expand the Alliance’s impact by managing and developing strategic programs that advance member and organizational priorities.

3 Ways Communities Can Bond with Residents in the Age of Covid & Beyond

There is a risk of further widening the gap between so-called ‘knowledge workers’ able to do their jobs remotely and afford to move, and those with place-based employment who cannot. Beyond that, retreating residents might take the very identity and uniqueness of the places they abandon with them.

Nurturing the community-resident bond could be an antidote to these dismaying departures, and new research sheds light on how. A recent report by the Urban Institute and commissioned by the Knight Foundation surveyed 11,000 residents of 26 U.S. metro areas to uncover what amenities created a “sense of attachment and connection to their city or community.” Three key recommendations emerged in Smart Cities Dive’s synopsis of the results.