About Deanna Moran and Elena Mihaly

Deanna Moran is the Director of Environmental Planning at the Conservation Law Foundation where her work focuses on identifying and implementing solutions to a variety of environmental problems that lie at the intersection of planning, development, and regulation. On twitter @demoran18.

Elena Mihaly is a Staff Attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation where her work focuses on developing and implementing law and policy solutions to protect water quality and enhance community climate preparedness. On twitter @ElenaMihaly

Legal Liability Could Catalyze Action on Climate Change

Litigation has long been recognized as a tool for compelling change in individual behaviors and industry standards, often serving as a stopgap where existing government regulations are inadequate. For example, litigation against tobacco companies helped raise awareness about the health impacts from smoking and played a part in spurring stricter regulations on cigarette manufacturing and marketing.

In the climate change context, we’re seeing an evolution of different legal strategies being employed to affect changed behavior and standards.